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Bedside Education

 Give your patients direction & confidence

Bedside Education integrates directly into your PEPID suite on your device, putting Quick Refs and Patient Handouts one tap away at the point-of-care.

Quick Refs

Quick Refs within Bedside Education provide short lists of considerations for the condition of interest to discuss with your patient.


Patient Handouts

Printable, patient-friendly handouts share more information about the condition, and most include supporting illustrations.


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Bedside Education: Patient Handouts

Patient Handouts answer an array of patient questions, including:

  • What are common signs and symptoms?
  • What causes my condition?
  • What increases my risk of this condition?
  • How can I reduce my risk?
  • What are possible complications?
  • What can I expect?
  • What general measures should I take?
  • What are common labs and tests?
  • What are my treatment options?
  • What medications may be prescribed?
  • When should I seek medical help?



Bedside Education,  1-Year


$125 /yr – billed every year




Bedside Education,  2-Year


$125 /yr – billed every 2 years




Bedside Education,  3-Year


$125 /yr – billed every 3 years

