PEPID for residents
Featured resident Product:

Emergency Medicine Monthly & Yearly Discounts
For iPhone & Android
Industry Leading Clinical Decision Support
There isn’t a moment to spare, so pulling out that reference book and flipping through pages simply isn’t an option. Fortunately, there’s PEPID Emergency Medicine Suite. It was designed specifically for rapid access in the “heat-of-battle” environment of emergency medicine, and it’s the only point-of-care tool that truly supports emergency personnel in making decisions and can improve patient safety and speed of care.
We offer resident discounts on all PEPID products. Please contact us via live chat on this page or


Pediatric Emergency Medicine SuiteAbout WordPress
A big help for the little ones. Cut to the chase with content, calculators, and values specific to help treat pediatric patients with emergent medical, surgical and traumatic conditions.

Primary Care Plus Ambulatory Care
Our most comprehensive, integrated reference, built to provide in-depth support for every type of healthcare provider. PCP is your daily go-to for evidence-based essentials and tools to manage anything from asthma to Zika.

Bedside Education
Can be added to any PEPID subscription