PEPID Products for Individuals
PEPID’s content is specifically designed for you
Please Choose Your Field
Emergency Physician
EM Complete
ALL NEW! Our Industry Leading Adult EM Reference now combined with more Pediatric specific content, integrated CME, and a redesigned app with a unified search bar and topic swapping.

Emergency Medicine Suite
The ultimate emergency medicine arsenal. Packed with fully relevant content and tools, and designed for rapid search, access, and application at the point of care.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine SuiteAbout WordPress
A big help for the little ones. Cut to the chase with content, calculators, and values specific to help treat pediatric patients with emergent medical, surgical and traumatic conditions.
Primary Physician

Primary Care Plus Ambulatory Care
Our most comprehensive, integrated reference, built to provide in-depth support for every type of healthcare provider. PCP is your daily go-to for evidence-based essentials and tools to manage anything from asthma to Zika.
Physician Assistant

Emergency Medicine Suite
The ultimate emergency medicine arsenal. Packed with fully relevant content and tools, and designed for rapid search, access, and application at the point of care.

Primary Care Plus Ambulatory Care
Our most comprehensive, integrated reference, built to provide in-depth support for every type of healthcare provider. PCP is your daily go-to for evidence-based essentials and tools to manage anything from asthma to Zika.

Emergency Medicine Suite
The ultimate emergency medicine arsenal. Packed with fully relevant content and tools, and designed for rapid search, access, and application at the point of care.

Primary Care Plus Ambulatory Care
Our most comprehensive, integrated reference, built to provide in-depth support for every type of healthcare provider. PCP is your daily go-to for evidence-based essentials and tools to manage anything from asthma to Zika.

RN Care Plan Pro
The educator’s collaborative nursing care plan database and generator. Over 240 customizable NANDA-I templates to rapidly create and collaborate on – with supporting nursing considerations and clinical content integrated directly.

Professional Nursing Suite
A complete resource for content written for nurses, by nurses. Enjoy smoother, safer shifts with concise nursing considerations, a robust drug reference, IV compatibility check, and more.

Critical Care Nursing Suite
A focused nursing reference that does the extra critical thinking for you. Developed with the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, the RNCC delivers specialized content for intensive patient care including assessments, nursing considerations, and drugs and drips.

Oncology Nursing Suite
Developed with the Oncology Nursing Society, this specialized reference simplifies complex cancer care and strengthens evidence-based nursing with the latest PEP cards, NANDA-I considerations, drugs and drips, interactions, and more.

Gerontological Nursing Suite
Tailored to deliver evergreen nursing care for older patients. Developed with the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, RN Gero does the heavy lifting across in-home, palliative and long-term care settings.

Primary Care Plus Ambulatory Care
Our most comprehensive, integrated reference, built to provide in-depth support for every type of healthcare provider. PCP is your daily go-to for evidence-based essentials and tools to manage anything from asthma to Zika.

RN Care Plan Pro
The educator’s collaborative nursing care plan database and generator. Over 240 customizable NANDA-I templates to rapidly create and collaborate on – with supporting nursing considerations and clinical content integrated directly.

Clinical Rotation Companion
The medical student’s premier survival kit through rotations and beyond. Practice with competence and confidence, no matter where your studies take you.

RN Student Clinical Companion
The ultimate student nurse resource for guided learning in the classroom, lab, and clinical setting. It builds on the in-depth content of our Professional Nursing Suite to better guide students through learning fundamentals and preparing for professional firsts.


Pediatric Emergency Medicine SuiteAbout WordPress
A big help for the little ones. Cut to the chase with content, calculators, and values specific to help treat pediatric patients with emergent medical, surgical and traumatic conditions.

Primary Care Plus Ambulatory Care
Our most comprehensive, integrated reference, built to provide in-depth support for every type of healthcare provider. PCP is your daily go-to for evidence-based essentials and tools to manage anything from asthma to Zika.

The first stop for first responders. Developed in collaboration with the National Association of EMS Educators, this specialized suite delivers actionable content from on-site to en route.

Pharmacist Pro with AHFS
The only drug comprehensive reference and tool kit pharmacists need in any setting. Search the industry’s No. 1 drug database plus the entire AHFS Drug Information Essentials®, integrated with relevant drug interactions checks, dosage calculators, and clinical content.

AHFS Drug Information® by PEPID
The unabridged AHFS Drug Information® knowledgebase, delivered with PEPID’s superior usability and actionable tools.
Additional Suites

Portable Drug Companion
Carry the largest drug database available in your back pocket. Thousands of dosing and drip calculators improve treatment accuracy, while a powerful Drug Interactions Checker ensures patient safety.


Bedside Education
Can be added to any PEPID subscription

Patient Medication Education
Available exlusively for PEPID Connect