Evidence-based Content
A second opinion for your diagnostic process of elimination.
Employ best-practice methods by referencing evidenced-based content inquiries from the Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine, the Family Physician Inquiries Network, and the Oncology Nursing Society.
Our evidence-based inquiries are linked to clinical and drug content and address the most important patient care questions asked by practicing healthcare professionals, how to appraise them, and how to apply them.
Make applying the latest research into practice an achievable goal by offering evidence-based practice recommendations embedded into workflow within your EMR or healthcare system. All content is integration-ready using our SDK.
PEPID’s evidence-based content is available through any of our clinical decision support suites, providing healthcare professionals, students and educators both physiologic and technical testing information on their mobile devices or online.
Available on any smartphone or tablet, or by integrating our lab manual into your EMR, HIS or patient portal with the PEPID Knowledge Base to enhance diagnosing and management.
Access directly from Drug & Disease Monographs
Relevant Evidence-based Medicine articles are linked directly from drug and disease monographs right within your work flow.
Access from Evidence-based Medicine Directory:
Head straight to the Evidence-based Medicine content directory as a sub-section of PEPID Content. Evidence-based Medicine includes the following sections:
- Evidence-Based Medicine
Clinical Inquiries - Evidence Based Medicine
FPIN Evidence Based Practice Newsletter Entries - Evidence-Based Medicine
Priority Updates From The Research Literature (PURLs) - United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Recommendatiosn
PEPID’s evidence-based medicine content is included in any every clinical decision support suite
Get full access to PEPID for 2 weeks with a free trial, or contact us to learn more about integrating the evidence-based medicine and the PEPID Knowledgebase into your health IT system.
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