Illustrations & Radiographic Images
Hi-resolution visual references to guide procedures and diagnosing, as well as enhance patient education.
A continuously growing gallery of thousands of medical illustrations and HD images for visually-guided care, consultations, and healthcare curricula.
PEPID’s Illustrations & Radio-graphic Images are included in any every clinical decision support suite

PEPID’s medical images and illustrations are available through any of our clinical decision support suites, providing healthcare professionals, students and educators visual guides on their mobile devices or online.
Available on any smartphone or tablet, or by integrating our images into your EMR, HIS or patient portal with the PEPID Knowledge Base to enhance procedures, patient encounters and student education.
PEPID’s Illustrations & Radiographic Images are included in any every clinical decision support suite
Get full access to PEPID for 2 weeks with a free trial, or contact us to learn more about integrating our medical gallery and the PEPID Knowledgebase into your health IT system.
What makes our image gallery different?
1,800+ illustrations covering
- Airway
- Anesthesia/Blocks
- Clinical Anatomy
- Examination
- Procedures and Other Images
- Rhythm Strips
- Trauma
- Venomous Animals
- Women’s Health and Obstetrics
1,200+ HD radiographic images covering both adult and pediatric cases:
- Brain
- Cerebrovascular
- Head and Neck
- Spine
- Ophthalmic
- Cardiopulmonary, Thoracic, Vascular
- Abdominal, Pelvic, Reproductive
- Upper and Lower Extremities
- Congenital & Genetics and more!
PEPID has all the TOOLS to help you help others